Are you ready to take your credit score to the next level and purchase a home, car, and/or start a business?
Well, this extensive do-it-yourself credit restoration ebook has everything that you need to legally and permanently repair your FICO credit scores efficiently and effectively.
This collection of over 45 templates are designed to save you time and ensure that your credit reports reflect data that is 100% legal, accurate, and verifiable.
Please customized these templates to coincide with your individualized circumstances. Factual and Personalized disputes yield more favorable results.
What's included:
✔ Tips for Success
✔ Credit Scoring 101 ✔ Basic Dispute for Multiple Collection Types✔ Basic Dispute for Creditor or Furnisher✔ Late Payment Dispute Letter
✔ Debt Settlement Offer Variations✔ Dispute Item Variations✔ Goodwill Adjustment Letter✔ Pay For Delete Letter✔ Personal Information Update Request✔ Remove Hard Inquiry✔ Repossession - Debt collector✔ Request Debt Settlement Negotiation with Creditor✔ Request Removal of Incorrect Info✔ Validation of Debt ✔ Plus so much more!